
第 57 课: 用 “刚才...”, “在...” 表示过去和现在发生的事-1

The children are in the park. 那些孩子在公园里

The boy is in the airplane. 那个男孩儿在飞机里

The dog has a frisbee in its mouth. 那只狗叼着一个飞盘

The cup is full. 那只杯子是满的

These are the children who were in the park. 这就是刚才在公园里的那些孩子

The boy was in an airplane. 那个男孩儿刚才在飞机里

The dog had a frisbee in its mouth. 那只狗刚才叼着一个飞盘

The cup was full. 那只杯子刚才是满的