
第 59 课: 描述人物特征-3

This statue has a moustache. 这座塑像唇上留着胡子

This statue has a beard. 这座塑像留着络腮胡子

The woman with long hair has an earring. 那个留长头发的女人戴着一只耳环

The woman with short hair is wearing an earring. 那个留短头发的女人戴着一只耳环

This couple is dressed up. 这对夫妇穿戴得很正式

This couple is not dressed up. 这对夫妇穿戴得很随便

These men are dressed up. 这些个男人穿戴得很正式

These men are not dressed up. 这些男人穿戴得很随便