
第 61 课: 运用 “既不...也不” ,“两个...都不”,“两个...都”-5

Both the young men are singing. Neither of them is kissing a woman. 那两个小伙子都在唱歌,他们俩谁都不在和女人亲吻

Neither the man nor the woman is talking. 那个男人和那个女人都不在讲话

Neither the man nor the woman is kissing. 那个男人和那个女人都不在亲吻

The man in the black shirt is standing. None of his friends are. 那个穿黑T恤衫的男人在站着,他的朋友们都没站着

Both the man and the woman are carrying umbrellas. 那个男人和那个女人都打着伞

Neither the man nor the woman is carrying an umbrella. 那个男人和那个女人都没打着伞

Both the man and the boy are wearing hats. 那个男人和那个男孩儿都戴着帽子

Neither the man nor the boy is wearing a hat. 那个男人和那个男孩儿都没戴帽子