
第 62 课: 动词的现在时和过去时:“在...”,“刚才...”1

These people are in a bike race. 这些人在参加自行车比赛

These people were in a bike race. 这些人刚才在参加自行车比赛

The clown has a hat on his head. 那个小丑戴着帽子

The clown had a hat on his head. 那个小丑刚才戴着帽子

The young woman is reading. 那个年轻妇女在看书

The young woman was reading. 那个年轻妇女刚才在看书

The boy is fishing. 那个男孩儿在钓鱼

The boy was fishing. 那个男孩儿刚才在钓鱼