
第 63 课: 姓名-5

Sandra says, “Look at my balloon!”@桑德拉说:“看看我的气球!”

Jake says, “Look at my balloon!”@霍克说:“看看我的气球!”

Pranav says, “Look, I am standing in a tree!”@普拉诺夫说:“瞧,我站在树上!”

Melissa says, “Look, I am standing in a tree!”@莫丽萨说: “瞧,我站在树上!”

Melissa and Pranav are stepping onto the wall. 莫丽萨和普拉诺夫在上墙

Melissa and Pranav are standing on the wall. 莫丽萨和普拉诺夫站在墙上

Melissa and Pranav have just jumped off the wall. Their feet have not touched the ground. 莫丽萨和普拉诺刚刚从墙上跳下来,脚还没落地

Melissa and Pranav have jumped off the wall. Their feet have touched the ground. 莫丽萨和普拉诺已经从墙上跳到了地上