
第 64 课: 运用现在进行时,现在完成时及用 “要” “正要”,“快要” 表示的一般将来时-5

The woman is going to put on the dress. 那个女人正要穿连衣裙

The woman is putting on the dress. 那个女人在穿连衣裙

The woman has put on the dress. 那个女人已经穿上了连衣裙

The man is putting on a shirt. 那个男人在穿T恤衫

The girl is going to pour water on her head. 那个小姑娘要把水浇到头上

The girl is pouring water on her head. 那个小姑娘正把水浇到头上

The woman is going to read the book. 那个女人正要看书

The woman is reading the book. 那个女人在看书