
第 7 课: 提问和回答;人称代词:他,她,物指代词:它-5

Is the woman sitting? Yes, she is. 那个女人在坐着吗?对,她在坐着。

Are the women sitting? No, they are not. 那两个女人在坐着吗?没有,她们没坐着。

Are the women sitting? Yes, they are. 那两个女人在坐着吗? 对,她们在坐着。

Is the woman sitting? No, she is not. 那个女人在坐着吗? 没有,她没有坐着。

Is he eating? Yes, he is. 那个男人在吃东西吗?对,他在吃东西。

Is she eating? Yes, she is. 那个女人在吃东西吗?对,她在吃东西。

Is he eating? No, he isn't. 那个男人在吃东西吗? 没有,他不在吃东西。

Is she eating? No, she isn't. 那个女人在吃东西吗? 没有,他不在吃东西。