
第 73 课: 全都,全都不,一些,大多数,两个,另外等-3

Most of the people are wearing yellow hats, but one is not. 这些人大多数戴着黄帽子,但有一个人没戴

Most of the flowers are white, but some are yellow. 这些花儿大多数是白色的, 但也有些是黄色的

Most of the flower is red, but part of it is black. 这朵花儿大部分是红色的, 但还带一点儿黑色

Most of the flower is red, but part of it is yellow. 这朵花儿大部分是红色的, 但还带一点儿黄色

Both animals are horses. 两只动物都是马

Both flowers are white and yellow. 两朵花儿的花瓣儿都是白色的,但花蕊是黄色的

Both children are girls. 两个孩子都是女孩儿

Both birds are ducks. 两只水禽都是鸭子