第 74 课: 全都不,都,两个-4
These two people are drinking milk. 这两个人在喝牛奶
These two people are pointing to the milk. 这两个人在指着杯里的牛奶
One of these people is pointing to the other person. 这两个人中的一个人在指着另一个人
These two people are riding horses. 这两个人在骑马
Both of these people are drinking milk. 这两个人都在喝牛奶
Both of these people are pointing to the milk. 这两个人都在指着杯里的牛奶
Only one of these people is pointing. 这两个人中只有一个人在指着什么东西
Both of these people are riding horses. 这两个人都在骑马