
第 76 课: 左,右;满的,空的-4

On which side of the doors is the man? He is on the left side. 那个男人在门的哪一边?他在左边

On which side of the doors is the man? He is on the right side. 那个男人在门的哪一边?他在右边

On which side of the number is the man? He is on the right side. 那个男人在数字的哪一边?他在右边

On which side of the number is the man? He is on the left side. 那个男人在数字的哪一边?他在左边

The tree on the right has many white flowers. 右边的树上开着许多白花儿

The tree on the left has many white flowers. 左边的树上开着许多白花儿

There are many people on the left, but only a few on the right. 左边有很多人,但是右边只有几个人

There are many people on the right, but only a few on the left. 右边有很多人,但是左边只有几个人