
第 78 课: 使用更多的动词:跳,爬,看,叼等-4

The dog is trying to catch the frisbee. 那只狗正尽力去接那只飞盘

The dog has caught the frisbee. 那只狗已经接住了那只飞盘

The cowboy is trying to catch the calf. 那个牛仔正尽力去抓那头小牛

The cowboy has caught the calf. 那个牛仔已经抓住了那头小牛

The man is using a rope. 那个男人在用绳子

The woman is using a camera. 那个女人在用照相机

The man is using a pen. 那个男人在用钢笔

The people are using a boat. 那两个人在划船