
第 85 课: 街道,人行道-5

The man is sweeping the street with a broom. 那个男人正用扫帚打扫街道

The tractor is sweeping the road. 那辆拖拉机正在打扫公路

The man is digging in the hole in the street. 那个男人正在街道上的坑里挖土

The machine is digging a hole in the street. 那台机器正在街道上挖坑

The road is full of people riding bicycles. 那条路上到处都是骑车的人

The street is full of people running. 那条路上到处都是赛跑的人

The street is almost empty. 那条街上几乎空无一人

The sidewalk is full of people. 那条人行道上到处都是人