第 91 课: 使用更多的动词:参加,戴,看等-3
I am wearing a shirt that is too small. 我穿着一件衬衫,可是衬衫太小了
I was wearing a shirt that was too small. 我刚才穿了一件衬衫,可是衬衫太小了
I am wearing my own shirt. 我穿着自己的衬衫
I am wearing the shirt my father was wearing. 我穿着我爸爸刚才穿着的那件衬衫
I am playing the guitar. 我在弹吉他
I was playing the guitar. 我刚才在弹吉他
I am holding the guitar. 我拿着吉他
I was holding the guitar, but now the boy has it. 我刚才拿着吉他,现在这个男孩儿拿着它