
第 92 课: 复习第八部分-3

Two bridges cross over the road. 有两架桥横跨那条公路

There is a car on the road that goes between the trees. 那条路两旁都是树,路上有一辆轿车

The road goes toward the house. 那条路通向那座房子

The road goes toward the mountain. 那条路通向那座山

The dog belongs to the boy. It is the boy's pet. 这只狗是那个男孩儿的,它是那个男孩儿宠物

The dog belongs to the woman. It is the woman's pet. 这只狗是那个女人的,它是那个女人宠物

The bear does not belong to anyone. It is not a pet. 这头熊不属于任何人,它不是宠物

The cow belongs to a farmer, but it is not the farmer's pet. 这头牛是一个农民的,可不是那个农民的宠物