
第 18 课: 穿着打扮-4

The boy is using a washcloth to wash his face. 男孩在用小毛巾洗脸。

The boy is using a toothbrush to brush his teeth. 男孩在用牙刷刷牙。

She is using a comb to comb her hair. 她在用梳子梳头发。

She is using a mirror to put on makeup. 她在对着镜子化妆。

She is putting on fingernail polish. 她在涂指甲油。

She is putting toothpaste on the toothbrush. 她在把牙膏挤在牙刷上。

She is brushing her teeth. 她在刷牙。

She is putting on lipstick. 她在抹口红。