
第 19 课: 重量与长度-4

The pencil on the left is shorter than the pencil on the right. 左边的铅笔比右边的短。

The pencil on the left is longer than the pencil on the right. 左边的铅笔比右边的长。

The bread on top is longer than the bread at the bottom. 上面的面包比下面的长。

The bread on top is shorter than the bread at the bottom. 上面的面包比下面的短。

This pencil is six inches long. 这支铅笔长十五厘米。

This pencil is four inches long. 这支铅笔长十厘米。

The bread is two feet long. 面包长六十厘米。

The bread is one foot long. 面包长十二厘米。