
第 28 课: 身体动作-2

The boy is sitting, and the dog is lying down. 男孩坐着,狗躺着。

The boy and the dog are both standing. The boy is bending over. 男孩和狗都站着,男孩弯下腰。

The boy and the dog are both standing. The boy is not bending over. 男孩和狗都站着,男孩没有弯下腰。

The boy and the dog are both lying down. 男孩和狗都躺着。

The child is upside down. 小孩被人倒过来抱着。

The child is right side up. 小孩站正了。

The picture is upside down. 照片放倒了。

The picture is right side up. 照片放正了。