
第 42 课: 因果和假设-5

She will drive the car. 她就要开车了。

She would drive a car if she had one. 如果她有车,她就会开车。

She will catch the ball. 她就要接住球了。

She would have caught the ball if she hadn't fallen. 如果她没摔倒,她就会接住球。

His feet are dry because he is wearing boots. 因为他穿着靴子,所以脚是干的。

His feet would be dry if he had worn boots. 如果他穿了靴子,脚就会是干的。

Her hair is dry because she is using an umbrella. 因为她撑着伞,所以头发是干的。

Her hair would be dry if she had used an umbrella. 如果她撑了伞,头发就会是干的。