第 45 课: 看到与看不到-2
We can see all of the boy. 我们能看到男孩的全身。
We can't see the bottom half of the boy. 我们看不到男孩的下半身。
We can't see the top half of the boy. 我们看不到男孩的上半身。
We can't see the boy. 我们看不到男孩。
We can't see the man's face. 我们看不到男孩的脸。
We can't see the man's nose because it is covered by smoke. 因为男人的鼻子被烟雾掩盖着,所以我们看不到。
We can't see the woman's head. 我们看不到女人的头。
We can't see the woman's face because her back is toward us. 因为女人背对着我们,所以我们看不到她的脸。