
第 47 课: 在商店-3

How much does the newspaper cost? It costs 50 cents. 一份报纸多少钱?五毛钱。

How much does the shirt cost? It costs about 20 dollars. 衬衫多少钱?大约一百块。

How much does the television cost? It costs about 200 dollars. 电视多少钱?大约三千块。

How much does the car cost? It costs about 12,000 dollars. 汽车多少钱?大约十万块。

How much does this cost? It costs 50 cents. 这多少钱?五毛钱。

How much does this cost? It costs about 20 dollars. 这多少钱? 大约一百块。

How much does this cost? It costs about 200 dollars. 这多少钱? 大约三千块。

How much does this cost? It costs about 12,000 dollars. 这多少钱? 大约十万块。