
第 53 课: 太多与太少-5

There are not enough marbles to fill the glass. 弹珠装不满玻璃杯。

There are too many marbles for the glass to hold. 弹珠太多,玻璃杯装不下。

There are just enough marbles to fill the glass. 弹珠正够装满玻璃杯。

There is too much milk for the glass to hold. 牛奶太多, 玻璃杯装不下。

There are a few too many marbles for the glass to hold. 弹珠太多, 装满玻璃杯后还多出几颗。

There are far too many marbles for the glass to hold. 弹珠太多, 玻璃杯远装不下。

There are just enough marbles to fill the glass. 弹珠正够装满玻璃杯。

There are not enough marbles to fill the glass. 弹珠装不满玻璃杯。