
第 54 课: 忘记-4

They are listening to her talk. 他们在听她讲话。

They are listening to the music. 他们在听音乐。

She is listening to them talk. 她在听他们讲话。

She can't hear them because she is wearing headphones. 因为她戴着耳机,所以听不见他们讲话。

The boy broke the cup. 男孩把杯子打破了。

Mother asks, “Who broke the cup?” 母亲问:“ 谁把杯子打破了?”

The boy lies. He says, “I didn't do it. He did.” 男孩说谎,他说:“ 不是我干的,是他干的。”

The boy tells the truth. He says, “I broke the cup.” 男孩说实话,他说: “ 我把杯子打破了。”