
第 83 课: 时间的描述-3

If it is two o'clock, then this watch must be five minutes fast. 如果现在是两点钟, 那么这块手表一定快了五分钟。

If it is two o'clock, then this watch must be ten minutes fast. 如果现在是两点钟, 那么这块手表一定快了十分钟。

If it is two o'clock, then this watch must be five minutes slow. 如果现在是两点钟, 那么这块手表一定慢了五分钟。

If it is two o'clock, then this watch must be right. 如果现在是两点钟, 那么这块手表一定是准的。

People used this to tell time long ago. 很久以前,人们用这个计时。

People used this to tell time in the recent past. 不久以前,人们用这个计时。

This is what people use to tell time today. 如今,人们用这个计时。

This is not used to tell time. 这不是用来计时的。