
第 87 课: 描写事物-4

Which car do you like best? I don't like any of them. Which one do you like least? Oh, the wrecked one, of course. 你最喜欢哪辆汽车?我哪辆都不喜欢。你最不喜欢哪辆汽车?噢,当然是撞坏的那辆。

Do you like any of these cars? No, not really. Which do you like the least? Well, you know, I really don't like that old pink car. 这些车中有你喜欢的吗?不,不喜欢。 你最不喜欢哪辆汽车? 我实在不喜欢那辆粉色的老式汽车。

The taxi looks pretty old, doesn't it? Yes, it does. 那辆出租汽车看上去很旧,不是吗?是的,它看上去很旧。

That van doesn't look nice at all. You're right. I don't like it either. 面包车一点不好看。你说对了,我也不喜欢它。

What would you rather do - go swimming or boating? I like boating better. 你更喜欢做什么,游泳还是划船? 我更喜欢划船。

How about you? What would you rather do? I'd rather go swimming. 你呢? 你更喜欢做什么? 我更喜欢游泳。

Where would you rather go - to the beach or to the mountains? To the mountains. Why is that?Because I like to hike. 你更喜欢去哪儿,海边还是山上?去山上。为什么?因为我喜欢徒步旅行。

And you? Where would you rather go? To the beach. Why is that? Because I like the sun and the sand. 你呢? 你更喜欢去哪儿? 去海边。 为什么?因为我喜欢太阳和沙滩。