
第 88 课: 在下雨-5

This is possible. It happens all the time. 这是可能的,并且经常发生。

This is impossible. It never happens. 这是不可能的,并且从不发生。

This roll of the dice is possible, but it is unlikely. 他也许能掷出这样的色子, 但不太可能。

They might be able to lift the car, but it is unlikely. 他们也许能把车抬起来,但不太可能。

Which boat do you like best? I like the ship with lots of white sails. 你最喜欢哪条船?我喜欢有许多白帆的那条船。

Which boat do you like best? I think I like the one with red and yellow sails. 你最喜欢哪条船?我想,我喜欢有红、黄色帆的那条船。

Have you ever been on a submarine? No, I haven't. Have you? No, I haven't either. 你乘过潜水艇吗?我没乘过。你呢? 我也没乘过。

Do you like to windsurf? I don't know. I've never done it. This man makes it look easy, but it's pretty hard. 你喜欢冲浪吗?我不知道,我从来没有玩过。 这个人看上去玩得挺容易,其实挺难的。