波斯湾战机F15 F117第 1 课 January, 1991 An F-15 pilot on combat air patrol sweeps the skies of Iraq 1991年1月 一架F15战斗机在伊拉克 上空进行空中巡逻任务
All right. I am Getner Drummon Captain in the Twenty-Seventh Fighter Squadron 我是盖纳朱曼, 第27战斗 飞行小队的队长
flying F-15s over Iraq 率领F15机队在伊拉克 上空巡逻
Today has been a, a MiG sweep 今天的任务是扫除米格机
We started from the central swept up toward Baghdad 我们由中部开始 再朝巴格达方向飞
hung a right to the east 再右转向东
looked at several oil fields in the southeastern and eastern sector 再巡视东南部和东部几个 油区
ran the Iranian border 沿着伊朗边界飞行
Ah, repeated that a couple of times and then came back to 同一路线重复几次之后
to Saudi Arabia to refuel 然后返回沙乌地阿拉伯加油
Now that we have our gas 现在已经加满了油
we will, ah, shortly 马上要返回北部 再巡逻一遍
be headed back up north to do the same thing one more time
Although its political significance is still being debated the war in the Persian Gulf was a turning point in military history 波湾战争的政治意义 固然是众说纷云但它却是军事史上的转折点
For the first time a massive strategic air campaign led to a decisive victory over a well-defended opponent 这是人类史上首度以大规模的战略性空战对抗一个固若金汤的强手 而获致大胜的一次
The first goal of the campaign was to quickly gain control of the skies 此一战役的首要目标便是 快速取得制空权
For that, no plane was better suited than the F-15 Eagle 而F15飞鹰号是达成此一 目标最称职的机种
I christen thee, Eagle, and may you reign supreme in your domain 我谨宣布飞鹰号启用 愿你赢得制空权
Hear. Hear 听到了
First flown in 1972 the F-15 Eagle was a major advance in high-performance fighter aircraft 可谓高性能战斗机种的 一大改良于1972年首度飞行的 F15飞鹰号
But it was only developed because the United States thought the Soviet Union had a better plane 它的发展是肇因于美国以为 苏俄拥有更好的机种
But the F-15 was a direct response to the MiG 25 Foxbat 其实F15是直接针对 米格25狐蝠号而设计的
a fast-flying, high-altitude fighter 米格25是一种高空高速
that seemed far superior to the West top jet 而且性能远超过F4幽灵号 的战斗机型
the F-4 Phantom
Years later Western analysts discovered the Foxbat was not the stellar leap in aviation technology that it seemed to be 数年之后,西方分析家发现 狐蝠号在航空科技上的进步 并不如当初所想像的
But in the 1960, the threat seemed fairly real 1960年代战争的威胁迫在眉睫
So the United States Air Force called for manufacturers to design a super fighter a plane that could outshoot and outfly anything in the sky 美国空军随即徵召厂商设计一种拥有绝对制空权的 超级战斗机种
McDonnell Douglas won the contract with a two-engine single-seat powerhouse incorporating every cutting edge electronic system available 麦克道格拉斯公司取得合约生产一种双引擎单座 并配备最新进的电子系统的产品
The new plane, designated F-15 was big and expensive about thirty million per plane in today's dollars 新机种被命名为F15机体庞大,造价昂贵 以目前市价估计每架约三千万美金
But it was the fastest most maneuverable fighter ever built 但它却是有史以来速度最快 机动性最高的机种