波斯湾战机F15 F117
第 12 课

The nose is cut 鼻翼向下斜切
and you will not see any perpendicular surface to go around 看不见任何圆弧的平面
The four probes in the front are not machine guns 前面的四个突出物并不是机枪
and they are not holographic projectors 也不会全像式突出物而是pitottube
They are called pitot tubes air-sensing tubes we use 是我们用做空气感测的管子
We have a four-channel fly-by-wire flight control system 同时还有四个频道的电路飞行控制系统
We have four pitot tubes 有四个pitot管
The grids in front replace normal intakes and are 前方的网路是用来取代正常的引气用的
ah, put on there for radar cross-section reduction 它的作用是减低电达交叉感测的

Also you will notice all around the airplane where the canopies meet and ah, if when the weapons bay, or is opened, and on the gear doors you will see saw-toothed edges你还会注意到驾舱舱盖的接合线一旦武器舱打开在操杆门上可以看到锯齿边
That is also done to break up a radar signature 这种设计也是为了阻断雷射线的投射
Any time you have two edges that meet you end up with a reflective edge 两个边会合之处 就会产生一个反射边
One of the things that you will notice also, from the bottom 另一个会让人注意到的一点是
once the gear goes up there is an elliptical shape to it 一旦飞机升空,它的底部便呈现椭圆形
You will notice how there it is hard to see which way the airplane is你会发觉很难分辨出飞机的方向
We call it aspect angle for other pilots 我们称之为方位角
which way the airplane is approaching your angle to it? And so it, as you see it 飞行员得知对方的接近方向之后,便对准角度
it can almost look when the airplane is turning or straight and level like it has a, a saucer-such... type shape below because it is rounded 因此当飞机在转向或直线前进时 它的底部就像是一个飞碟的形状

If you look at the, ah, tail you do not see any visible exhaust 机尾看不见任何排气
The reason is that that ledge or line that runs across there 理由在于尾端有一排方形的气孔
there is a set of bricks that goes through the full width of the tail We take and spread the exhaust out across the width to cool it 把排气分散在各孔之间 并加以冷却 right across these bricks and then duct it up, ah 而横越方向往上引导排出
so that there is no jet blast immediately behind the airplane It is above在机尾后看不见排气全在上方
That gets rid of all of our infrared signature below 如此便排除了所有下方的 红外线讯号
And if you imagine you are an air-to-air fighter 如果在空战时对方由上方寻找它的话
trying to find us from above
you will see that the tails slope out go directly at six o'clock 只会看见尾翼朝六点钟的方位斜偏
the tail will cover the exhaust from right behind the airplane 尾翼会由机身后方挡住排气

Ah, we have to do maintenance on the airplane and we have to remove the RAM portions to get to the panels 维修工作要在机上进行时就得先拆除RAM才能进去
So, but the maintenance on the airplane is exactly like on any other airplane 因此就维修而言几乎与其他 机型一样
as far as once you get under the skin ugly is only skin-deep or beauty is only skin-deep一旦进入机舱, 美丑也只是 一层之隔
depending on how you want to look at it 端赖于你的观点而定
Once you get under the skin it is a a standard Air Force-type airplane 进了机舱就与标准的空军机种无异

The F-117's skin of radar-absorbent material or RAM, absorbs whatever lingering radar energy F117的机壳具有雷达线吸收材质或称为RAM
that have not been deflected by the Nighthawk fastening surfaces 它可以吸收夜鹰号强化机壳 所无法折射掉的辐射能
This turret contains the F-117's forward-Iooking infrared sensor 这一块面板内含F117 前投式红外线感测器
part of its highly-classified navigation and attack system 其中一部分是列为高度机密的导航和攻击系统
Under the fuselage sits a downward-Iooking infrared sensor 机身下方是下投式红外线 感测器
Both the FLIR and DLIR are equipped with lasers 前投式和下投式感测器都 配备了雷射线
that spotlight projects for laser-guided precision weapons 可以锁定目标以供雷射导引式精密武器的发射

And precision is a must 精确是必要条件
since the Nighthawk can only carry two two-thousand pound bombs 因为夜鹰号只能携带两枚 两千磅的炸弹
The bombs must be carried internally to keep the plane's radar cross-section stealthy 为了维持飞机的雷达交叉 感应的隐密性炸弹必须携带在机舱内