波斯湾战机F15 F117
第 14 课

The Saudis called the F-117 Shava or ghost 沙国人把F117称为夏巴 也就是鬼的意思
The pilots, crews and the generals who sent them into battle could only hope the plane 那些负责把F117送往 战场的飞行员地勤和将军
would fit that description 自然希望它能名符其实了
The quick victory in the Gulf has led to the misconception that Iraq was a poorly-defended opponent that put up little resistance to its attackers 战术空军指挥中心
波湾战争的快速胜利 使人产生一个误解 以为伊拉克是一个国防 薄弱的敌国

In fact, Iraq was equipped with an internetted radar system and armed 面对攻击者毫无招架之力 其实,伊拉克配备了网路 雷达系统
with sixteen thousand surface-to-air missiles 和1万6千枚地对空飞弹
and seven thousand anti-aircraft guns 以及7千座制空炮

When the air war started I sat there in the Tacular Control Center... and, ah空战爆发时 我坐在塔古勒指挥中心
I was feeling very badly 我的感受很糟
First of all, we were embarking on the taking of lives And, ah, that is tough 第一点,我们是在杀戮生命 很不好受
Ah, I did not know whether the technology would work 我并不知道此一科技是否有效
I was told. The test data showed Stealth worked 只听说测试阶段显示 隐密战机的成功性
But I had no way of knowing It had never been tested in such numbers 我却无从得知,也从未 以如此数量进行过测试
And that was a worry 这一点颇令人忧心的
And fortunately, it turned out great 幸好结果令人满意
But I think, ah the thing that bothers you the most is when you sit there 不过我认为最令人担心的是 当你坐在那
is you wonder of all the things you might not have done 捉摸着那些你不会做的事
The, ah, the things the enemy could do to you that you had not anticipated 那些你始料未及 来自敌人的行为
And so as this battle unfolded we felt great relief 因此随着战争的展开 我们终于松了一口气

I had the honor of leading the the first attack on Baghdad 我深幸能率领第一批机队 攻击巴格达
Ah, there were, ah... ten of us that ah, went downtown 我们一共十人
ah, before the rest of the, ah support package, ah came in. 在其他支援机队赶到之前 先进入城区
Ah, and I have to tell you that, ah, that, ah, Baghdad was the damnedest fireworks' show that I had, that I had ever seen 我只能说巴格达火光弥漫 的场面是我有所仅见

And the city was, was lit up like it was a, a holiday 整座城市灯火通明 简直是欢渡国庆
just in terms of all the street lights and traffic out there 光凭那些街灯和车灯 就够热闹了
even though it was still three or four in the morning 何况当时只是凌晨3、4点 而已
But then you take the city that is all lit up and you accent it first with with, with arcs of twenty-three millimeter that are, ah 在通明的城市上空 再火上加油,使用23厘米 机枪炮锦上添花
very high rate of fire weapons and shooting almost, ah, horizontally 这种高速率强力武器 做水平射击
You could look down and see all that 低下头就可以看见
And then about the level that we were flying 大约在我们的飞行高度
ah, there were red orange bursts of, of, ah larger caliber flack going off that, and it it was from one end of the city to the other 橘红色的火花不断地由 城市的一端飞射到另一端
just, just completely, ah, ah like a cloud layer sitting over it only so active 像一个浓密的云层遮着 只不过它的行动极快
And then, ah, to kind of accent that whole fireworks-like display 接着…好像是整个烟火 的重头戏一样
there: Would be three ships of of, ah SAM missiles coming right up through ah, that whole mess, ah and explode overhead 三枚山姆飞弹呼啸穿越 而过, 当空爆裂