波斯湾战机F15 F117
第 15 课

Despite the ground fire F117 the F-117 performed the mission it was designed for无畏隆隆炮火 依然勇于达成任务
covert surgical strikes against hardened high-valued heavily-defended targets 以隐密的技术性突击 对抗固若金汤的目标
Flying at night 在2万5千尺的夜空
F-117 s dropped two-thousand pound laser-guided bombs from twenty-five thousand feet and hit targets the size of shoe boxes 以2千磅重的雷射导引飞弹 轰炸小如鞋盒般的地面目标

Apparently, the Iraqi Army never saw them coming 伊国的陆军显然并未发现 他们的行踪
But on the first night, flying in radio silence 然而在头一夜 由于没有无线电通讯
pilots had no way of knowing just how successful their attacks had been 飞行员对攻击的成功与否 可谓毫不知情

Ah, I had a long way to go to, ah find a tanker again 我飞了很长的距离才找到 加油机
And, ah, I found, I found him and I got my... wingman on and, ah 找到之后, 又和侧翼连络上
we talked on the way back and asked hey, did you hear from so and so or did you hear, ah, you know this other guy check in? 回航时我们聊着 你有没有谁的消息 谁有没有回报之类的
And, and we said, no 我们都说没有
And, and, ah so I thought we had lost a couple airplanes the first night 头一夜我们损失了两架飞机
And, ah, it was a long trip home believe me 说真的,返航的路程很长
Coming back here, when I landed ah, 回航降落之后
the crew chiefs told me that that everybody had, ah, returned that all the F-117 s had come back 地勤组长说所有的F117 都安全回来了
And I did not believe them because I, I just 我不相信他
I just could not believe that anybody would have survived all that triple A 因为我…很难相信经过三A之后 会有人存活下来
Ah, but sure enough, ah 不过…千真万确的
after he had told me about the third time and and other people nodded their heads said yeah 他跟我说过三遍之后 别人也点头附合
everybody made it back I went, gosh, that is, ah, that that was more of a relief than anything 每个人都平安返航 天呀,这个消息带给我 莫大的安慰

I went up on the second night 我是第二夜才出任务的
Ah, the first night, I think the guys had a cakewalk, because 第一夜的弟兄成功地潜入因为
ah, no one knew they were coming until they got there 他们是抵达后才有人知道的
The second night, they knew that we were coming 第二夜,他们却事先知道了
When people throw bullets up into the air and you are going through there 当你在满天炮火之间穿梭 的时候
it is just a, a function of, ah how fast you are going through and how many bullets are up there唯一的问题是多好的功能 能让你快速穿越
if you are going to get hit or not 而不会被子弹击中
We were very fortunate but we also were, ah a little bit skillful in that, too 我们运气很好 不过也发展了相当的技术
that no Stealths throughout the entire war going to Baghdad almost every night, 因为在整个战争之中 几乎每晚都要进入巴格达
sustained any hits at all 没有中过一发炮弹

There is no doubt about it that, ah the Stealth technology has revolutionized air operations and warfare in total 毫无疑问地,隐形战机科技 革新了空战和整个战争 Ah, the 117 guys were the ones F117的飞行员担任了轰炸
that flew the tough missions downtown in Baghdad one of the most heavily-defended targets in the world 全世界空防最严密的 巴格达城市的任务
The fact that they were able to go in there without escort without defense suppression 他们在无护航和瓦解对方 空防的情况下进入
meant that we did not have to attack hundreds of targets located in residential areas 表示我们不需要攻击位于 住宅区内的数百个目标
and kept down overall casualties overall loss of life and a lot of collateral damage 使人员的伤亡和损失 减至最低

Well, I am not going to tell you that it was not exciting going through Baghdad 我不会说前往巴格达并不刺激
But it is not an excitement that I want to go back 不过那种刺激感并不是
and relive in the near future or if ever 我想在不久的未来重新体会的
Ah, I think that most of the guys will tell you that, ah 多数人会跟我有同样的说法
I think I feel the way they do is that we are doing our job over there 我们只是去履行任务
And the excitement that comes from that is mostly about getting the job done 兴奋是来自于达成任务的回报

It is real exciting when you figure out people are trying to kill you 当你得知有人要杀你时 感觉相当刺激
But at the time that they are trying to do it you are too busy doing other things不过在当时,我们却忙着 其他的事情
Ah, we are fully occupied when we are doing a target run 在轰炸任务时我们真的是 心无旁惊
And so you do not have time to sightsee, usually 通常顾不得欣赏风景
Ah, at the, when it is all over and you are through with your run 可是一旦任务完成
and you are on your way out you have a chance to look back and see what was there在返航的时候就有机会 回顾当时的情况
And that is when you kind of go well, you know thank you, Lord, for another one 那种情形下往往会情不自禁 一句感谢神又活了一次