波斯湾战机F15 F117
第 16 课

Khamis Mushait. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf 卡米斯莫夏特基地
Commander of Allied forces in the Gulf H诺曼舒瓦兹考夫将军 盟军驻波斯湾指挥官
has come to inspect the airplane that has been the key factor in destroying Iraq defense and communications network 亲临检阅在波湾战争中 英勇立功的F117

F-117 bombing runs were instrumental at driving Iraq military leadership into underground bunkers and cutting them off from their troopF117成功地切断了伊拉克 的指挥总部与部队的连系 s 并把他们逼入地底的防空壕中
Strikes on electrical power plants and oil reserves across the nation rendered much of the Iraqi Army high-tech equipment all but useless对伊国全境的发电厂和 炼油厂空炸 使伊国陆军的高科技设备 形同废墟
In strike after strike, the F-117 was proving its destructive potential F117以持续的空炸任务 证实了它的摧毁力

I think it is fair to say that the Iraqi command and control in its totality was decimated by the F-117要说伊国的指挥和管制中心 被F117摧毁无遗 是很合理的说法
And I am sure... there are those who who attacked targets that were on the fringe 我确信也有些任务是 空炸边缘的目标
But the main focus of his command and control were attacked solely by the 117 s 不过主要的焦点还是在 F117所轰炸的总指挥部
and they were attacked in many cases in an autonomous mode 在许多情况下是以自动 模式攻击的

One 117. One bomb And nobody else around 一架F117,一枚炸弹 完全无人驾驶
Although it is called the Stealth fighter, to date F117虽然被称为隐密型 战斗机
the F-117 has flown in combat exclusively as a light bomber 但今天它却单纯以轻型 轰炸机的角色出任务
The F-117 carries laser-guided bombs F117承载雷射导引式炸弹
which are actually conventional two-thousand pound bombs fitted with special noses that steer towards targets marked by laser beams 它是一种配备了特别的鼻翼 全重2千磅,并藉雷射光 导引轰炸目标的传统式炸弹

Laser-guided bombs are very accurate but they are also very expensive 雷射导引式飞弹精确度极高 造价也相当昂贵
Most of the bombs dropped during the Gulf War were unguided gravity bombs 在波湾战争中投掷的炸弹 多数是非导引式的重力式炸弹
But for targets in urban areas 不过对于城内的目标
the Coalition opted for precision weapons 飞行联队便选择精密的武器
And for true precision those bombs were dropped by F-117 s 需要更高的投掷精确度时 便以F117加以投掷
The accuracy of the Nighthawks was such that although they flew only two percent of the total combat sorties in the Gulf they covered forty percent of all strategic targets 夜鹰号的准确度高达以 2%的出机率却达成40%的战略目标 的命中率

F-117 s dropped over two thousand tons of bombs F117总投弹量是两千吨
and flew more than sixty-nine hundred combat hours 飞行时数高达6千9百个 战斗小时

The Air Force is fond of pointing out that a target 空军单位很开心地表示
that would have taken more than five hundred missions to destroy in World War I I can now be vaporized in one mission with one bomb F117可以用一枚炸弹 在一次任务中 完成二次大战时需要5百趟 任务才能达成的任务

And since Stealth planes can fly into enemy territory without fighter escorts jamming planes or other support aircraft fewer pilots' lives are on the line又由于隐密型战机可以不需 要护航机,拦截机或其他支援机种的情况下 进入敌区出生入死的飞行人数 便因而减少