波斯湾战机F15 F117
第 17 课

Well, it saves live 它可以降低战亡率
But the analogies, the numbers sometimes will lie to you 不过有些比喻和数字往往 会蒙骗人们
You will see in, ah figures thrown around that we were equivalent of two hundred to three hundred B-17 s 往往有人以1比3百来形容 F117和B17
Well, that is true in one perspective 就某一观点来说这是实情
because we can go places they cannot go 因为我们可以前往B17 所去不了的地方
and knock out with one bomb what it will take them... thousands of bombs to hit 一枚炸弹可以炸毁B17 数千枚炸弹才能完成的目标
Because, it is, again it back to the shotgun effect versus being able to walk up to the same guy 这就好像用手枪射击和 走到对方面前一样
You are trying to kill somebody with a shotgun and you pelt him at two hundred yards如果你用猎枪在2百码外 猎杀一个人
you are only going to make him mad 只会激怒对方
If you can sneak up and he does not see you and you can hit him in between the eyes with a ball-peen hammer it is a lot more cost effective 如果趁他不注意时潜进 用锤子猛击天庭 成本效益就大大地提高了

But even precision weapons can result in the loss of innocent lives 即使再精密的武器也难免 导致无辜者的伤亡
In one well-publicized incident 在一起最广为人知的事件中
an F-117 dropped laser-guided bombs on a target identified as an Iraqi communications center一架F117用一枚雷射导引 飞弹 炸毁了一座伊拉克通讯中心
The bombs hit their target and the bunker was destroyed 炸弹击中了目标 防空壕毁于一旦
Unfortunately what served as a communication center by day doubled不幸的是,一座白天的 通讯中心
as a civilian air raid shelter by night 晚上却变成了平民用的防空壕
The bombs went exactly where they were aimed 炸弹固然击中了目标
but the target itself apparently chosen from analysis of daylight satellite intelligence was hit at the wrong time 可是藉由卫星获得的目标 却被击错了时间

Still, even Iraq concedes its civilian casualties were relatively light 即使伊国也承认平民的 伤亡率算是比较轻微的
In World War I I, whole cities were targeted for destruction 二次大战期间,全市都被列为 摧毁的目标
tealth gave the Allies the opportunity to change the emphasis of air war away 隐密战机使盟军把空战由 大屠杀
from genocide and back to strategy 转为战略性方向

My profession right now is a violent profession 我目前的职业是暴力专家
But, ah, if you look back at this campaign ah, Desert Storm 回顾沙漠风暴这场战役
and look at the small number of fatalities 以及它带来的少量伤亡
and what we were able to do with Stealth airplanes and with a lot of very very smart planning, ah这是隐密战机以及许多 小规模战争计划的结果
and compare it to what the other contingencies what could have happened, ah this airplane did save a lot of lives 比之于其他可能引发的 事故来说 F117的确挽救了不少性命
It, maybe it saved tens of thousands or maybe even millions of lives by going in and knocking out things that would have taken years to knock out otherwise and in a a classic air campaign以传统方式需要数年时间 才能摧毁的目标它可以一次出击而克尽其功 因而保住了数百万条人命 的损失
Ah, it saved my life, you know for one, to start with 最明显的例子是它救了我的命
because I, I could not have gone where I did and I would have died if I had been in a regular airplane如果我驾驶的是一般的 机型的话 情况便不同,甚至可能捐躯