波斯湾战机F15 F117
第 19 课

The F-111 was the stalwart of the... strategic air campaign F111是这次战略空战中的 主力
Behind the F-117, which can do things that an F-111 cannot do just because ah, it can go places and not be shot places the F-111 cannot go because of its larger radar cross-section 除了F117具有F111 所不及的能力 例如F117可以前往 F111所无法进入的领空 因为它拥有较大的雷达 交叉范围
makes it easier for the enemy to acquire it and shoot it 使敌人更容易侦测并加以射击

However, ah, F-111 s travel in packs 不过F111是成群出机的
They each carry four laser-guided bombs 每一架飞机都承载了四枚 雷射导引飞弹
That is sixteen precision aim-points per formation 相等于每一机队拥有址六个 定点轰炸能力
So if you sent F-111 s to a bridge the bridge was going down 因此如果派F111去轰炸 一座桥梁 桥梁必然炸毁无遗

Whereas with other precision-guided weapons platforms which only carry two bombs and travel by themselves而他种精密导引式飞弹 机种,只承载两枚炸弹 并只能单独出机
the bridge might up end with a a single hole in it 该桥梁可能只被炸个洞而已

The F-111 F Pavetac pod F111上的Pavetac导航器
lets the plane illuminate its targets with a laser beam 使飞机以雷射光束投射在 目标物上
Paveway laser-guided bombs then follow the signal down to the ground 雷射导引飞弹便循着讯号着地
Strikes are accurate within a few feet 准确度可达数尺之内

F-111 s are not thought of as being tank-killers F111虽非坦克的克星
but in the Gulf the plane was very effectively used against armor 不过却在波湾战争中 成为装甲的杀手
F-111 s cruised over Iraqi mines using their FLIR pods to sweep-search back and forth across the ground looking for targets F111在伊拉克边界上 运用FL!R导航器 对地面进行扫瞄寻找目标

When they spotted tanks they designated their targets with a Pavetac laser 一旦发现油库,便以pavefac 雷射光加以锁定
then dropped five hundred pound GBU-12 laser-guided bombs 接着投掷5百磅重的 GBU一12型雷射导引炸弹

In the week before the ground campaign began 在地面战役爆发前一星期
F-111 s killed up to one hundred fifty tanks per night F111平均每晚可炸毁 150个油库
Overall, they had over one thousand verified kills of Iraqi armor 合计歼灭一千伊拉克的装甲车
It is fair to say that they carried a large load of the bombing 说它们承载大量的炸弹是 很公平的说法
Ah, ah, they were very effective We flew them basically, ah... at night and almost predominantly 效能极高,基本上都是夜间 出机 多数都是先发制敌

As you know, we have talked about the tank plinking, so to speak 我们曾谈过坦克克星
No one thought beforehand that they could do that mission 之前没人料到他们有能力 完成此一任务
But they proved they could very effectively 但它们证明了自己的实力
Ah, they certainly were the main airplane that we used to attack airfield or hardened aircraft shelters 确实是对抗机场和强化 防空设施的主要机种
Ah, we used the 111 s, ah systematically to 我们很有系统地派遣F111
ah, destroy as many airplanes on the ground and those shelters as, as we could摧毁了大量的地面飞机和 防空设施