波斯湾战机F15 F117
第 2 课

It was also the deadliest 摧毁力也是最强的
For the heart of the F-15 is its APG-70 pulse Doppler radar 因为F15的心脏便是它的 APG一70道普勒脉冲雷达
which can locate targets a hundred miles away 足以锁定一百哩外的目标
This is critical, for in air combat 这是空战中关键性的要素
spotting your opponent first can make a life or death difference 因为何方先发现对手 往往决定生死之别

By the time the fight arrives an Eagle pilot has four weapons to choose from飞鹰号飞行员面临战斗时 可以由四种武器中做选择
He can fire long-range radar-guided Al M-7 Sparrow missiles 或者发射长程雷达导引式 AIM7麻雀飞弹
He can deploy Al M-9 Sidewinders deadly close-range weapons that lock onto hot exhaust 或者布署热追踪式短程且 摧毁力强的AIM9侧翼飞弹

Al M-120 missiles, known as AMRAAMS are medium-range weapons similar to but more powerful than Al M-7 s 第三个是叫做AMRAAMS 的AIM120中程飞弹它与AIM7类似 但威力更强
Lastly, the M-61 cannon 最后一种是M61炮

The F-15 has gone through three major upgrades since it entered Air Force service in 1974 F15自从1974年参与 服役以来一共做过三度改良
During the Gulf War American pilots flew the latest fighter model the F-15C波湾战争期间, 美国飞行员 飞行最新型的F15C机型
one hundred twenty were sent abroad 总共派至国外120架
The longside eighty-two Royal Saudi Air Force F-15Ds essentially the same plane as the C F15C与82架沙乌地 皇家空军的F15D并肩作战F15C与F15D几乎是 同类机种
Saudi F-15s shots down two Iraqi Mirage F-1 s during the Gulf War 沙乌地F15机种在波湾战争中总共击落伊拉克两架F1

Over the years the F-15 has proven itself the dominant air superiority fighter in the world F15多年来以实战成绩 证实了它是全世界拥有绝对制空权的机种
The design was so successful 由于此一机种成功的设计
that the Air Force decided to apply the Eagle's sturdy frame 美空军决定把飞鹰号坚固 的结构和强大的威力
and enormous power to tactical bombing missions 应用于战术轰炸机的 设计上

The result was the F-15E 此一应用的结果就是 F15E
a two-man plane that combines the Eagle speed and agility with the best bombing system tax dollars can buy 这是一种两人座机种溶合了F15的速度和机动性更配备了最昂贵的轰炸系统
Thirty percent of the Eagle airframe was modified to enable it to carry heavy bomb loads 飞鹰号的30%的结构经过改良以承载更大的炸弹量
The most noticeable changes are the E longer wingspan and conformal fuel tanks最显著的改变是较长的翼辐和造型一致的油箱
The E is also painted a darker shade of gray 机身同时涂上一层较暗的 灰色
to camouflage its night-flying missions 以做为夜间飞行任务时的 迷彩之用
Two squadrons of Es were to become operational in late 1991 预计在1991年末期 正式参与作战任务的共有两个F15E小队