波斯湾战机F15 F117第 20 课 The only exception in that is there were certain high-threat areas that we would only put the 117 in across those airfields because of the potential for loss唯一的例外是 遇到高危险区为了减少伤亡 而改派F117
Now that does not mean that the 111 s did not go into some high-threat areas 这不表示 F111并不进入高危险区
Ah, they attacked some of the airfields, ah within twenty miles of Baghdad 它们曾攻击巴格达200哩 方圆内的机场
And, ah, so those were high-threat areas 这些也算高危险区
Boom! Oh, yes! 中了!
And they did a lot of the bridges a tremendous amount of the bridges 它们炸毁了大量的桥梁
Ah, they cut off the, ah, oil that was ah, intentionally ah, flowing into the, ah, um, the ah, wa... ah water there just, ah south of Kuwait City 也曾切断过刻意导入 科威特南方的水源中的石油
Um, and so true, they carried a load a very heavy load in the War And to be as old a airplane as they were 事实上,它们在战争中 担任了相当吃重的任务
um, that pleasantly ah, surprised us in that respect, ah 以旧机种来看,这方面的确 给我们带来一番惊喜
that we were able to maintain that many ss... ah missions on a daily basis from that old a system 使我们使用老系统 而逐日达成轰炸任务
I guess the bottom line for that is it is a flexible, long-range, ah 我认为主要的原因在于它的 弹性、长程能力
precision platform, ah, that found 以及精确的发射平台
ah, itself used in roles, ah, ah for which, ah we did not have any established doctrine 这一些都是由未设定的角色 功能中发现到的
Ah, I, I flew the, ah F-111 F at one time and 我驾驶过F111一次
ah, dropped Pavetac weapons 投掷过pavetac武器
And I can tell you that the sorts of missions 我只能说我们在战争中 担任的任务
that they flew in this War were not the sorts of missions that we were trained to fly 与我们受训时的任务不同
And they flew medium altitude for example when, ah, just about all of our practice is low altitude 例如我们演习时是低空飞行 在战时却做中高空飞行
They flew against targets that were within ten, twenty, thirty forty, fifty miles of the forward line of home troops, ah 但战时却在距友军方圆 10到50哩内投弹
when they practice, ah dropping on bridges and factories and airfields hundreds of miles away from friendly troops 演习时,我们要在友军 部队外方圆数百哩 对桥梁,工厂和机场进行空炸
Ah, it goes to show you that airplanes do not should not be designed to go to particular places基本上,飞机是不得派往 特定区域的
but, ah, however, ah, ah, it I do not know how to explain this 可是…我不知道该如何解释
But there are no strategic or tactical airplanes 并无所谓战略或战术飞机之别
There are just missions and the best instruments to be used for those various missions只有任务和用于任务中的 最佳利器之分
And the F-111 turned out to be a very flexible instrument that could be used for strategic attack against targets at the heart of the enemy ah, military offensive capability 而F111却证明它是深入 敌方核心对严密空防设施做战略性 攻击的最佳武器
Or it could be used as a, ah a tank plinker 同时可以做为坦克克星
to destroy an estimated one thousand, ah tanks in the Kuwait theater of operations 在科威特战场中一共摧毁 一千辆坦克
Very formidable weapons system used to great effect during the War 是波湾战争中战绩辉煌的 武器系统