波斯湾战机F15 F117
第 6 课

Hundreds of Coalition airplanes were in the sky at any one time 空中随时都有数百架联合机队的飞机
Airborne warning and control system airplanes better known as A.W.A.C. S, kept air traffic straight 简称为AWAC的空中警控 系统机型维护着航道的安全性
Largely thanks to A.W.A.C. S there were no air-to-air friendly fire incidents during the Gulf War由于AWAC的协助 波湾战争期中未有任何空中友机开火的 意外发生

You have got raw data coming in 新的讯号进来了
with no symbology 没有记号

When A.W.A.C. S spotted enemy planes 一旦AWAC发现了敌机 之后
they sent F-15s in for the kill 随时派出F15猎杀

The one hundred twenty US and eighty-two Saudi F-15s were responsible战争期间41次空战的胜利中
for thirty-six of the forty-one confirmed air-combat victories by Coalition forces有36次是由120架美国 和82架沙国F15缔造的

The closest thing I saw to an enemy aircraft was the first day and 我和敌机最贴近的经验 是在头一天发生的
ah, that was in our package The, the F-15s got two MiG-29 kills 当时我在F15机队中我们一共击落2架米格29
And I can remember it vividly, too 我的记忆特别清晰
because we had, ah one of the female A.W.A.C. S controllers 因为AWAC警控员是一个 女性
Her voice was very, ah not soothing but ah, her voice was easy to pick out她的声音非常…不很温柔 不过很容易辨识
When you hear a lot of radio chatter going on a female voice to a guy it is just, it is something you hear 在一堆无线电对话中 单一个女声很难听不到
So we were, I was listening I can remember watching her talk her talk, ah what the MiG-29s were doing on my radar 我一面听…还记得看着雷达 中米格29的状况
I just had it looking out there in the distance 同时隔空看外面
And, ah, when those guys turned and committed out on us 当米格朝向我们飞来时
the Eagles were waiting on them and just jumped on them and shot them both down飞鹰号早就严阵以待 一一击落了

Iraq's Air Force consisted of seven hundred fifty fighters and bombers and two hundred support planes 伊拉克空军拥有750架 战斗机和2百架支援机种
They flew the best non-US planes money could buy 他们拥有最昂贵的非美制机种
including Mirage F-1 s and Soviet MiGs from the 29 on down 其中包括幻象F1
以及俄制米格的29型以后 的机种
But despite having weathered ten years of combat during the war with Iraq 伊拉克虽然拥有与伊朗多年的 空战经验
Iraq Air Force was defeated in days 却在短短数日内被击败
Planes that were not shot out of the sky 逃过空战的飞机
were blasted on the ground by F-111 s and other fighter bombers 也会在地面遭到F111 和其他战斗轰炸机的炸毁

Two, one. We attack The Iraqis moved their planes into heaviely reinforced aircraft hangars 伊拉克把飞机移入经过强化的厂棚
and bomb-proof <inaudible> 以及防弹的设施之中
The Allies countered by dropping hardened laser-guided bombs 盟军则以雷射导引炸弹 予以反制
Eventually they destroyed three hundred seventy-five of Iraq five hundred ninety-four impenetrable shelters 结果总共击毁了伊拉克594个 强化的防护设施中的375座