波斯湾战机F15 F117
第 9 课

F-15Es patrolled the Iraqi border ready to attack Scud sites F一15E在伊拉克边界巡逻准备攻击Scud飞弹基地
On the ground British and American commandos went deep behind enemy lines looking for Scuds 地面的英美游击部队则深入敌阵,寻找Scuds飞弹
and calling in air strikes when they found them 并在发现后通知总部 进行空炸
But Iraq had over twelve hundred Scuds 伊拉克拥有1200多枚Scuds飞弹
and the vast size of the region made finding them extremely difficult 同时由于区域广泛 使寻找更形艰困
Their very lack of sophistication made them easy to set up and fire 由于Scuds的缺乏精密性 使发射相当容易
and their mobility made them easy to hide 而机动性更使得它们容易隐匿

We believe that, ah, they adapted their tactics to the threat which, for them was the threat of being obliterated by a laser-guided bomb from an F-15E我们相信此一战术是为了应运来自F15E雷射导引炸弹的威胁而来的
Ah, they started to come out only at night 它们只限于夜间出现
Ah, they started to take advantage of environmental conditions which made it difficult for us to see them 同时利用环境的状况 使我们很难发现
Ah, and they began to, ah, move their operations areas farther north 然后就把交战区向北方推进

The intense air attacks on Scud sites did seem to have an impact 对Scuds飞弹所展开的猛烈攻击 的确会带来影响
In the first five days of the War 波湾战争的前五天内
Iraq fired an average of five Scuds per day 伊拉克平均每天发射五枚Scuds飞弹
In the month that followed the average went down to one per day 第二个月内,减至一天平均一枚

Although Scud hunts became their priority 虽然猎杀Scuds是F一15E 飞行员的首要任务
F-15E pilots were also sent against many other important hard-to-hit targets, such as radar sites and airfields 其他如雷达基地、跑道等重要且难以击中的目标也同属任务之列
During the Gulf War the forty-eight F-15Es sent to Saudi Arabia flew over twenty-two hundred sorties 48架F15E在波斯战争期间总共完成了2千2百次 飞行任务
They dropped more than eleven million pounds of bombs 总共投掷了1千1百万磅 的炸弹
By all accounts, the new airplane and its pilots performed superbly in combat此一新机种与飞行员 就各方面而言表现了卓越的战斗成绩

But flying three hundred feet above the ground at night in heavily-defended territory will always be extremely dangerous不过在空防严密的地区 飞行至3百尺的夜空却是充满危险的任务
no matter how good the pilot or how advanced the aircraft 而不论飞行员多么优秀 或机型多么先进

Two F-15Es were lost in the first week of the War 交战后的头一星期 便有两架F15E失踪
The F-15Es, ah, had a tough job to do They were flying at night F15E的任务相当艰鉅它们都是在夜间飞行
and they were the key to our Scud-hitting events in western Iraq 同时也是西伊拉克上空 猎杀Scuds任务的主角
Ah, unfortunately we lost two of them during the War 不幸地是我们在战时 损失了两架
One of them, ah, we will probably never know what happened 其中一架的下落不明
It could have been shot down or it could have ah, flown into the ground 可能是遭击落也可能坠机
Ah, another one, it was shot down probably by surface-to-air missile over in western Iraq ah, while hunting Scuds 另一架或许是在西伊拉克上空担任猎杀Scuds任务中 被地对空飞弹击落的