第 25 课:The serpent and the eagle 蛇和鹰

An eagle swooped down upon a serpent and caught it in his talons. But the serpent was very quick. It coiled around the eagle in a moment. 蛇和鹰交战,斗得难解难分。蛇紧紧地缠住了鹰。

A countryman saw the fierce fight. He came to help the eagle, and freed him from the serpent. 农夫看见了,便帮鹰解开了蛇,使鹰获得了自由。

In revenge, the serpent spat some of its poison into the man's drinking-cup. 为了报仇,蛇在农夫的水杯里放了毒药。

When the man was about to drink the water in the cup, the eagle knocked it out of his hand, and spilled the poisoned water on the ground.当不知情的农夫端起杯子正准备喝水时,鹰猛扑过来撞掉了农夫手中的水杯。有毒的水洒到了地上。

寓意: 善有善报,好人一定能得到好报。