第 29 课:The trumpeter taken prisoner 号兵

A trumpeter was captured by his enemy in a battle. 在一场战争中,有个号兵被敌人抓获了。

When they were about to kill him, he begged them to have mercy on him. 在他们准备杀他时,他求他们对他仁慈一些。

"I am not a warrior," said he7. "I only blow the trumpet. It cannot harm you; then why should you kill me?" “我不是勇士,”他大声叫道,“我仅有把铜号,它又不能伤人,你们为什么要杀我呢?”

"You may not fight with a weapon," said the others, "but you encourage and guide your men to the fight." “你没有武器来战斗,”敌人对他说,“但是你却召集你们所有的士兵来攻打我们。”

寓意: 人们更痛恨那些怂恿他人作恶的人。