第 12 课:Humour 幽默

"Be good and I'll buy you a motorcycle for your birthday! “你表现好,我就给你买辆摩托车作为生日礼物!”

"How on earth can you see the TV sitting so far back?" “你怎么能够坐得这么远看电视呢?”

"Don's bother wearing a jacket — it's quite warm out. “不用麻烦再穿夹克衫了——外面很暖和。”

"Let me smell that shirt — yeah, it's good for another week. “让我闻闻这件衬衫——好,还可以再穿一个星期。”

"I think a cluttered bedroom is a sign of creativity.? “我觉得乱七八糟的卧室也是创造力的表现。”

"Yeah, I used to skip school, too.? “好,我以前也逃过课。”

"Just leave all the lights on...it makes the house more cheery. “就让所有的灯都开着吧……这样的房间更令人愉快。”

"Could you turn the music up louder so I can enjoy it, too? “你可以把音乐开得再响一点吗?这样我也可以欣赏它。”