第 68 课:Celebration of Chinese New Year 庆祝春节

Celebrations of the Chinese New Year in Chinese families last for about two
weeks. 中国家庭的春节庆祝活动持续大约两个星期。

The celebrations begin with traditional house cleaning. 庆祝从传统的家庭大扫除开始。

The Chinese get rid of old and useless things. They do this to throw away the misfortunes of the past year. 中国人扔掉旧的没用的东西。这么做是为了扔掉去年的晦气。

On Chinese New Year's Eve all family members enjoy a big, delicious meal. 在中国的除夕之夜,所有家庭成员一起享用美味的大餐。

It is very important for the Chinese to be with their families on this occasion. 这个时候和家人呆在一起,对中国人来说是非常重要的。

Fish is always part of the dinner because it represents abundance. 鱼总是晚餐必不可少的,因为鱼象征着年年有余。

On New Year's Day all Chinese children wear new clothes with bright colours.
Red is considered a lucky colour. 大年初一,孩子们都穿上颜色鲜艳的新衣服。红色被认为是幸运的颜色。

Parents and relatives give children the traditional New Year's gift called lucky money" 父母和亲戚都给孩子们传统的新年礼物,叫做“压岁钱”。

This money is put into bright red and gold envelopes. 这些钱被装在印有金字的红色信封里。