第 69 课:The Ant and the Grasshopper 蚂蚁和蚱蜢

One day a grasshopper came upon an ant at work in a garden. 一天, 蚱蜢碰到了一只正在花园里干活的蚂蚁。

"Good day,"said the grasshopper. "It is a beautiful day, is it not?"“你好,”蚱蜢说,“今天天气真不错,不是吗?”

"Yes,"said the ant. "But the days will not stay as beautiful as they are now."是的,”蚂蚁说,“但天气不会总是像现在这么好的。”

"Just so!"said the grasshopper. "One must eat and be happy when one can. “确实如此!”蚱蜢回答,“我们应该在能吃的时候吃,能开心的时候开心。

How is it, then, that you work when you could be playing?" 那么,你在本来可以玩的时候却干活,是怎么回事呢?”

"Cold days are coming,"said the ant. "If I work now, I can eat and be happy
when bad times are upon us."寒冷的日子快来了。”蚂蚁说,“如果我现在干活,那么当糟糕的日子来临时,我就可以吃,可以开心了。”

The grasshopper laughed at the little ant and went on his way. 蚱蜢嘲笑着那只小蚂蚁,还是我行我素。

By and by the days turned cold. First the rains fell, and then the snow. The grasshopper could not find anything to eat. 渐渐的,天变冷了。开始下雨了,然后下雪。蚱蜢找不到任何吃的东西。

"Oh, me!"cried he, as he thought of the little ant. "I was wrong to laugh at her.

"A little work when times are good is a big help when times are bad. ”境遇好的时候做一点工作,在境遇不好时,会是很大的帮助。