第 75 课:Cat Timmy 小猫"提米"

Timmy was a little cat. He had four brother and sister cats, so his mother was kept busy feeding and washing her new family.提米是只很小很小的猫。他有四个猫兄妹,所以猫妈妈不停地忙着给她的新子女喂食、清扫新家。

Timmy was the bravest cat, or maybe, he was the most unwise cat because he couldn's even see when he rolled so far away that his mother had to pull him back to her warm corner. 提米是最勇敢的小猫,或者也许他是最笨的小猫,因为他还不知道他已经翻筋斗滚得太远了,他妈妈不得不把他拉回温暖的角落。

Mother Cat had to pull Timmy back and warned him, "This is the safest place for you now. Stay here until you can run." 猫妈妈不得不把提米拖回来并警告他:“现在对你来说这是最安全的地方。在你会跑之前,一直呆在这儿。”

But Timmy still liked to walk around, and when he could walk more steadily on his little feet, he would go to the far corner of his box and try to get out. 但是提米还是喜欢闲逛,当他能用他的小腿跑得更稳一些时,他会跑到他的纸箱最远的角落,并试着出去。

Then there came a day when a heavy foot crossed the floor, and suddenly, without a warning word from Mother Cat, down came that huge foot on Timmy's tail and then he cried and rushed back to his warm, comfortable family! 然而有一天,有一只大脚重重地踩在地板上,突然间,在没有猫妈妈的任何警告下,那只大脚踩在了提米的尾巴梢儿上,紧接着,他嚎叫着逃回到他那温暖、舒适的家。