第 79 课:Our Playground 我们的游乐场

There is a big park in our town with lots of trees, flowers, and grass in it.

There are also places for tennis and volley-ball. 那里还有打网球和排球的地方。

There is a pond for small boats and a very small zoo, with a few wild animals in it. 里面有个池塘可以划小船,还有个很小的动物园,里面有一些野生动物。

For children the best place in the park is the playground. 对孩子们来说,公园里最好的地方是游乐场。

There they can swing and slide and go round and round for hours. 他们可以荡秋千、滑滑梯、到处跑,玩上好几个小时。

During school hours, only the very small children are there, but on summer evenings, on Saturdays, and Sundays all the year, there are older children too. 在上课时间,那里只有很小的孩子,但在夏天的晚上、全年的周六和周日,那里也有大一点的孩子。

I like going to the playground with my friends because we are happy there. We laugh and shout and joke with each other. 我喜欢和朋友们一起去游乐场,因为在那里我们很开心。我们笑啊、叫啊,互相开着玩笑。

There is a shed near the playground, and when it rains hard, the children go in here and wait until the rain stops. 游乐场旁边有座小屋,下大雨时,孩子们就在这里等雨停。

Then they come out again, running and shouting and laughing and in a minute they are all sliding and swinging and going round and round again. 然后他们又出来,跑着、叫着、笑着,很快,他们又都在荡秋千、滑滑梯、到处跑了。