第 8 课:The Toad and the Frog 癞蛤蟆和青蛙

A toad saw a frog near the road.一只癞蛤蟆在路边看到一只青蛙。

He was a fat old frog. 那是只又胖又老的青蛙。

He sat and moaned and groaned. 他坐在那里呻吟叹息着。

The toad said, “Do not moan and groan, Mr. Frog.癞蛤蟆说:“青蛙先生,不要呻吟叹息了。

Hop like me. Hop down the road.” 像我一样跳吧。沿着这条路跳。”

So the frog and the toad went down the road to a big oak tree. 所以青蛙和癞蛤蟆一起沿着小路跳到一棵大橡树下。

“I am home,” said the toad. “Come in and I will make tea.” “我到家了,”癞蛤蟆说,“进来吧,我来泡茶。”

But Mr. Frog said, in a deep croak,但青蛙用低沉的声音说:

“I must not roam far from home. I will be off to my home near the pond.” “我不能在离家远的地方闲逛,我要回我在池塘边上的家。”