第 89 课:Turtle's Life Cycle 龟的生命周期

There are many different kinds of turtles throughout the world. They vary
widely in size and in looks. 全世界有很多种不同的龟。它们在大小和外形上有很大的不同。

However, in many ways they are all alike. They all have a covering of scales. They are like snakes and lizards, and they can live both on land and in water. 然而,在很多方面它们是相似的。它们都有龟甲。它们像蛇和蜥蜴,能在陆地和水里生活。

As winter comes, turtles go to sleep in the mud under the water through the
cold weather. 冬天来临的时候,龟在寒冷的天气里呆在水底下的泥里睡觉。

All turtles hatch from eggs. In early summer, the turtle digs out a hollow in
the soft ground. 所有龟都是从蛋里孵出来的。初夏,龟在松软的泥地上挖一个洞。

Here she lays her eggs, and covers them with earth and leaves them to hatch in the warm sun. 它在这里产下蛋,用土盖住蛋,然后把它们留在这儿,让温暖的阳光把龟蛋孵化成幼龟。

As soon as the baby turtles hatch, they head for the water, out of sight of
their enemies the gulls, foxes, and other animals. 龟宝宝一孵出来,就爬向水里,远离它的敌人的视线,它的敌人有海鸥、狐狸及其他一些动物。

The young turtles eat insects and small animals, and grow fast. Although the turtles spend much of their time in the water, they breathe in the air. 幼龟吃昆虫和小动物,它们长得很快。虽然龟大多数时间呆在水里,但是它们在空气中呼吸。

When the full grown turtle is ready to lay eggs, she returns to the land and the turtle's life cycle begins again. 当长大的龟到了生蛋年龄时,它回到陆地上,这样龟的生命周期又重新开始。