第 1 课:Fall of a Super Star: George Harrison 乔治·哈里森 -1

Flags are at half-mast in Liverpool as the city mourns one of its most famous sons, George Harrison. 利物浦市为他们的著名歌星乔治·哈里森的去世下半旗致哀。

He rose to international fame at the age of 17 as a member of the Beatles and went on to a career as a leading British film producer. 十七岁时,他成为披头士乐队的一名成员,并由此一跃而成为国际明星,之后还成为英国一名主要的电影制片人。

Musically, he defined a generation, with borrowings from Eastern music and religion. 在音乐风格上,他借鉴了东方音乐和宗教音乐,影响了整整一代人。

Millions of fans worldwide have been united in their grief and tributes have been paid by musicians and world leaders as diverse as Michael Jackson and Queen Elizabeth. Nickalus Witchell reports. 全世界数百万乐迷们悲伤地聚在一起,包括迈克尔·杰克逊和伊丽莎白女王在内的音乐家们和世界领袖都送来了祭奠之词。尼古拉斯·威彻尔报道。

George Harrison was an unlikely rock star, an unassuming man, cynical about celebrity, concentrating on what mattered, the music. 乔治·哈里森并不像是一名摇滚乐手,他是一个谦逊的人,不争名逐利,全心投入他最喜欢的音乐之中。

He'd been a heavy smoker for many years. Three years ago, he disclosed that he had cancer. 他吸烟多年。三年前,他透露了自己患有癌症,

He'd gone to Los Angeles for a final attempt at treatment. He died at a friend's house yesterday afternoon. 曾赴洛杉矶尝试最后一次治疗。昨天下午,他在一个朋友的家中去世。

In a statement, his family said, he left this world as he lived in it, conscious of God, fearless of death, and at peace. 他的家人发表了一份声明说,他离开这个世界就像他活在这个世界上时一样,敬畏上帝,平静而不惧怕死亡。

Of the four young Liverpudlians whose music had such an influence on popular culture in the 1960's, only two now survive. Paul McCartney first met George Harrison at school. 这四个年轻的利物浦青年的音乐曾对二十世纪六十年代的流行文化造成巨大影响,如今,却只有两人依然健在。保罗·麦卡特尼最初在学校里认识了乔治·哈里森。

Paul McCartney: He's a lovely man, I love him dearly. I grew up with him and I like to remember all the great times we had together in Liverpool and with the Beatles and ever since, really. 保罗·麦卡特尼: 他是一个可爱的人,我深深地爱着他。我和他一起长大,我会永远记住我们在利物浦以及在披头士乐队一起度过的所有的美妙时光。

Say, I'm very sad for him and his family and for all of us. A fantastic guy, lovely man, great sense of humor, I was lucky enough to see him a couple of weeks ago and he was still laughing and joking. 对于他的去世,我为他的家人以及我们自己感到万分悲伤。他是一个富于幻想的人,一个可爱的人,幽默感十足。我很幸运,两星期前见到他时他还谈笑风生。

A very brave man and I'm just privileged to have known him and I love him like he's my brother. 他是一个勇敢的人,认识他我感到十分荣幸。我爱他,就像爱自己的亲兄弟一般。