第 13 课:The First Artificial Heart Recipient Dies 首例心脏移植病人去世

The first person to receive the world's most advanced artificial heart has died. 世界上第一个接受最先进的人工心脏的病人去世了。

Fifty-nine year old Robert Tools had the historic operation in a Louisville Hospital in July, but suffered multi-organ failure after severe internal bleeding. 现年五十九岁的罗伯特·图尔斯七月份时在路易斯维尔医院接受了具有历史意义的手术,但严重的内出血引发了多个器官衰竭。

Doctors report that his health was not due to a malfunction of the experimental artificial heart. 医生报告说,他的死亡并不是由于实验性的人工心脏出现故障而导致的。

With characteristic good humor, Robert Tools shows off the benefits of his new heart after pioneering surgery in July. 七月份接受了先进的外科手术后,罗伯特·图尔斯用自己独有的幽默感宣扬新心脏的益处。

Without the operation, he was expected to die within a month, with the new heart, he fought on for five months. 没做手术前,医生认为他撑不了一个月;通过手术配置新心脏后,他活了五个月。

Made of plastic and titanium, the device contains a small internal motor. It pumps blood, taking power from a battery pack attached to the patient's body. 这个心脏装置由塑料和钛制成,内部有一个小发动机;它输送血液,由附在病人身上的电池包驱动,

No wires or tubes pierce the skin. Mr. Tools had a long-standing heart condition, but a full transplant was not an option. He's been praised for his courage in taking a risk. 这个装置不需要管线刺穿他的皮肤。图尔斯先生有很长的心脏病史,但他又不能进行心脏移植手术。他因为勇敢地接受这次冒险而受到称赞。

Tools: If you're a fighter, you do what you do best and I fought, and I fought, and I fought. 图尔斯:如果你是一名战士,你一定会尽自己最大的努力战斗,所以我一直坚持战斗。

The company behind the technology points out that Mr. Tools died, not because his new heart failed, but because of severe abdominal bleeding related to his existing health problems. 提供这项新技术的公司指出,图尔斯先生的去世不是因为新移植的心脏出了问题,而是因为他原有的健康方面的问题引发的腹腔大出血。

In the long term, the company is promising a medical revolution, by offering hope to hundreds of thousands of heart patients without access to a transplant. 从长远看,这家公司承诺进行医疗技术革新,为成千上万名无望接受心脏移植手术的心脏病人带来希望。