第 15 课:Online Brief News 网络短新闻

And we begin with a major U.S. consumer group, which has demanded that eight major search engines be investigated for misleading Internet users. Commercial Alert claims that the search engines failed to distinguish between paid-for ads and genuine search results. 首先是美国的一个大型消费者团体,他们要求调查8个主要的搜索引擎,说它们误导因特网消费者。这个叫做商业警觉的团体声称这些搜索引擎没有清楚标明付费广告和纯搜寻结果。

The search engines deny they're deceiving their users but the Web ain't so free anymore. Be aware that many engines now do accept payment for placement. 搜寻引擎否认欺骗用户,但网络已不再是免费的了。要知道,很多搜索引擎现在的确在一些项目设置上收取费用。

Napster has decided to drop the MP3 music storage format it helped make famous in favor of dot Nap. Its own format developed with Burtlesman, which includes the copyright protection features the music industry have so craved. Napster已决定放弃MP3音乐存储格式,Napster曾使它名声大振,并有利于纳普公司,Napster又与贝特斯曼一起开发了包括保护版权功能的新格式,这是音乐界渴望已久的了。

In so doing, Napster has for some become everything it never was and you almost wonder why they bother? You see these fickle kids have moved on. Oh, well. 这样一来,Napster真是无所不能了,真不知道他们为什么还找这种麻烦,没看到年轻人已经闻风而动了吗?哦,不错。

Scientists in the U.S. have proven once and for all that bigger is better. They've built the largest computer display ever made. Measuring 130 square feet and made up of 20 million pixels. The screen displays images as good as the human eye is able to see. 美国科学家又一次证明了越大越好这个道理。他们制造了世界上最大的计算机显示器,它足有130平方英尺那么大,由两千万像素组成。图像的清晰度达到了肉眼看实景的程度。

Far from showing off to their friends, the screen will allow scientists to improve their understanding of complicated systems likes crashes and fires. You see size does matter. 研究人员远不止为了向朋友炫耀,显示器可帮助科学家进一步理解像系统崩溃和防火墙等复杂的系统现象。您瞧,尺寸的确很重要吧。

And we start this week with a question. Is your PDA turning your mind into a sieve? Well according to a study of 150 people, at Hakaido University School of Medicine, more than one in ten of us are suffering from severe memory problems. 本周从一个问题开始。使用个人数字处理器是不是让你的记忆力一塌糊涂?根据哈凯度大学医学院对150人的研究,超过十分之一的人有严重的记忆问题。

Some British researchers say that if you use the computer as a kind of external memory, your memory might be at threat. Now, what was the next story? Ah yes. 一些英国研究人员声称,如果你把电脑作为一种外部记忆设备,你的记忆力就有可能受损。接下来是什么?哦,想起来了。

How about computers that understand how you feel? Researchers at IBM are working on an emotion mouse. They say it's part mouse, part lie detector. It gauges a user's mood by monitoring skin temperature, heart rate and sweat. 听说过能知道你感觉的计算机吗?IBM研究人员正在研制一种情感鼠标。他们说这是既是鼠标,又是测谎器。它通过监测皮肤温度、心率和出汗状况来确定使用者的情绪状态。

And dudes, hip cats and jiksters; if Madonna can webcast, a jazz combo can too. Melbourne trumpeter James Morrison is organizing what he says is the biggest jam session in the world.帅哥、时髦女子、时尚人士,如果麦当娜的演唱会能够网上直播,一个爵士乐队也可以做到。墨尔本小号演奏家詹姆斯·莫里森正在组织他自称为世界最大的爵士乐即兴演奏会。

A special web site will then allow them to play along live with the band. Just imagine how many solos they'll have to get through before they can return to the main riff in every number. 一家特殊网站届时允许他们与乐队合作并直播。试想,在每次演奏完一曲,回到主旋律前,他们(指网上演奏者)得有多少独奏啊!