第 26 课:Winter Olympic Torch Relay Started 冬奥会火炬传递开始

Now, the flame that will burn at the Salt Lake City Winter Games has begun its journey to the United States after a ceremony at the stadium where the Olympics were reborn more than a century ago. 经过在一个多世纪前奥林匹克运动的重生地举行的一个仪式后,将在盐湖城冬季奥运会上燃烧的圣火,开始了它前往美国的旅程。

Well, the flame was lit last month in ancient Olympia, where the games originated nearly 3000 years ago. 上月,圣火在奥运会近三千年前的发源地古代希腊奥林匹亚遗址点燃,

It was brought to Athens and has burned for two weeks in a bronze cauldron. On Monday, the torch that will travel to the USA was lit at the Panathenian Stadium and passed to Mitt Romney, president of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee. 然后,圣火被带到雅典,在那里的一个青铜鼎中燃烧了两个星期。星期一,马上就要到美国去的奥运圣火在泛雅典竞技场点燃,并交给了盐湖城组委会主席米特·罗姆尼。

The US torch relay starts on Tuesday in Atlanta and arrives in Salt Lake City on February the 8th. 在美国的火炬传递活动将在星期二从亚特兰大开始,明年二月八日抵达盐湖城。