第 42 课:Splits for Cruise and Kidman 汤姆·克鲁斯与妮可·基曼的婚姻触礁

Now, one of the Hollywood film industry's celebrated couples Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman have announced they are to separate. The stars who have been together for more than ten years have blamed the split on work pressure. 美国好莱坞最受注目的一对夫妻汤姆·克鲁斯和妮可·基曼已经宣布他们分居。这对已在一起超过十年的明星将他们的分离归咎于工作压力。

This was where they met on the set of the race track romance Days of Thunder. Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were married in a secret ceremony on Christmas Eve, 1990. 他们相遇在电影《雷霆壮志》的浪漫跑道上。汤姆和妮可于1990年圣诞平安夜秘密地举行了婚礼。

They accumulated a joint fortune of more than a ?ê100 million and homes in America, Britain and her native Australia. The epitome of wedded bliss so it seemed, a show business dream team. 他们一起共同积累了超过1亿英磅的积蓄,并在美国、英国、及妮可的祖国澳大利亚都买了房子。这段美满姻缘就像一个娱乐圈的美梦。

The couple spent almost three years in Britain during the filming of Stanley Kubrick's erotic thriller Eyes Wide Shut. But despite being in each other's arms, they did seem to be heading in different directions when the movie premiered and she revealed some of the difficulties of making a film about jealousy and sexual obsession. 这对夫妇在拍摄史坦利·库布利克的色情惊险片《大开眼戒》时在英国渡过了差不多3年,虽然他们可以朝夕相处,相互照顾,但在电影的首映式上,他们的心似乎并不在一起,妮可透露了在拍摄这部关于妒忌及性迷恋电影时的一些困难。

Kidman: All of the things that you would normally not want to explore in a relationship or reveal came out at different times. That was tough. 妮可·基曼:通常你不想在男女关系中探究相互之间的所有事情,都会在拍摄的不同时间里显露出来,这使人感到很难受。

But despite appearing in a number of films together, the couple also spent long periods apart. A spokesman said that was one of the reasons for the breakup. 尽管这对夫妇曾在好几部电影里一起扮演角色,但仍然有很多时候是长时间分开的,一位发言人说这是他们分手的原因之一。

Tom Cruise once said of his marriage, “The pair of us are on a permanent honeymoon.” Now it seems the honeymoon is over. What once appeared the most promising union in Hollywood has gone the way of so many other show business romances. 汤姆有一次说到他的婚姻时说:“我们两人在度一个永恒的蜜月”。现在看来,蜜月已经结束。这段曾经在好莱坞最被看好的婚姻,也与其它众多娱乐圈浪漫感情故事一样,走上了分手的不归路。